Saturday, 22 May 2010


My singed wings are proof
    of how blind I've been

Though maimed I still fly
    I hover and wait

for my scales shine when
    dangerously close

But now I can see
    you are not the sun

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Spare tyre

sunset over Paris I could be of use
but hardly in a year

I could be taken out
to gain space for your gear

I could be toyed with
rolled around with a stick

I could lie here waiting
  in the dark
    riding the bumps
      slowly rotting away
        wishing I'm in a riot
          out in the street


How many times do you need
to fall face down
before walking around
that bitch of a ditch?

The first time we can
consider a mistake
but you did it again
so I say for your sake

It has been too long
you ought to have learnt
true love, unlike pity
can never be earned.
 mossy ditch


sunset in a cup Attention, like light
though bright and cheery
when focused to a dot
singes skin easily

In the end it bothers
even the most patient
or makes the recipient
take the giver for granted

Recept pro sladké sny

Forcing your way through taffy
gets enervating at some point

You must know it's quite daffy
still you believe there's a point

You continue wasting energy
precious time and opportunity

Just spit out the hard candy
and find a new sweet to fancy
 smoke in Bangkok

Thursday, 13 May 2010


yellow tram I wonder how you'd feel
if I found someone else

Perhaps it would just be
a passing sense of loss

Like spilling cold coffee
or missing a tram that goes

every 4 minutes.

Monday, 10 May 2010

to move on.

    walking with you
    happens only
    when there's a vacancy
    seeing you
    is practically
    a future with you
    is as likely
    as winning the lottery
It's time
   autumn leaves

Sunday, 9 May 2010

cul de sac

Orloj If you must lie again
    about meeting your friend
for the minutes you spent
    were unknowingly lent
whatever you have now
    simply must end.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

2 cents'

Drop the pretense.
Stop the nonsense.
Get off the fence.
Don't be so dense.